本章小結:Or should I go and change my point of view, For other ugly scenes...
以上歌詞是德國著名樂隊 Aphaville 的1984年金曲 Big in Japan 的其中一句。意譯是「我能否從禮崩樂壞的國度去改變我的觀點?」答案是絕對不能,「禮崩樂壞」是客觀事實,「觀點」是主觀願望。學習子平八字,必須接受社會是一個大醬缸,這樣才能真正學習使用子平八字去分析世間事物。子平八字是最為人熟悉的祿命術,是分析複雜和虛假事物的最佳利器。 因此,越是迂腐和委曲求全的人,是沒法學會子平八字的精髓的。他們只能夠活在大師的狹隘框架內,滿口「敝門是正宗子平」,滿口「這是子平謬法」,在大師傅的「庇蔭」下,變相蒙蔽自己的視野,無法獨立地使用子平八字去 1) 觀察世界、2) 學會獨立思考、3) 認識自己、4) 珍惜他人、5) 活在當下。 我無法確定這個八字的真確性,也不去探究《東方新地》這本八婆雜誌內容的真偽, 坊間很多藝人八字都是假的。如果這個真是黃心穎的八字,她的「際遇」早已撰寫落她的「淫亂、爭夫、破財」劇本中,接受與否是純粹個人意願, 是否能夠憑單薄的個人意志去扭曲客觀環境? Mission impossible。
Aphaville, Big In Japan
Winter's cityside
Crystal bits of snowflakes
All around my head and in the wind
I had no illusions
That I'd ever find a glimpse
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
You did what you did to me
Now it's history, I see
Here's my comeback on the road again
Things will happen while they can
I will wait here for my man tonight
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Of strange illuminated mannequins
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Or should I go and change my point of view
For other ugly scenes
You did what you did to me
Now it's history I see
Things will happen while they can
I will wait here for my man tonight
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan